Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Chiropractor's thoughts on detoxification

Restorative/ detoxification program


?These are some of my thoughts as an?Ogden Utah Chiropractor?about detoxification. ?Detoxification is an important part of my?Chiropractor Ogden?patients. ?

1. The Detoxification/Restorative Program assumes that exposure to xenobiotics may occur from which parts of the external environment?

Fat stored drugs and chemical residue coming from medical and pharmaceutical drugs as well as

industrial, commercial and agricultural chemicals.


2. How are exercise and heat used in detoxification strategies?

The program is designed to increase mobilization of toxic substances, sauna to make them sweat

and prevent their re-absorption and recirculation.


3. Name the five organs of detoxification. Intestine, liver, kidney, skin, lungs.


4. What are the sources of endotoxin production in the human body?

Free radicals and their metabolites from ionizing radiation, low polyunsaturated fat, and inadequate antioxidant nutrients and cofactors.


5. What is the relationship between intestinal dysbiosis and systemic diseases?

Bad type of bacteria in the gut will create a bad environment including toxins. ?Our cells need perfect nutrition for optimal health. ?Abnormal flora de-activates some digestive enzymes. ?The GI tract is the largest immune organs in the body.


6. What is the relationship between food allergy and intestinal hyperpermeability? Allergies can be an irritant that leads to hyperpermeability.


7. What are the descriptive names for the two phases of liver detoxification?

Phase1- Cytochrome P-450 mixed function oxidase enzyme pathway. ?Enzymes in cells of liver membrane and are synthesized when exposed to certain chemicals and converts toxins into less harmful chemicals and produce free radicals. ?The free radicals can be converted into potentially carcinogenic items.

Phase2- Conjugation pathway. ?The liver adds another substance to a toxic chemical. ?This makes the toxin water soluble, and can then be excreted in bile or urine. ?This conjugation is done with sulphur-containing amino acids.


8. Name the four methods for restoring detoxification function of the intestine. Improve digestion, improve elimination, treat hyperpermeability, improve intestinal microecology (dysbiosis).


9. Describe the detoxification methods used in the Hubbard program

Daily doses of Niacin to stimulate lipid mobilization, moderate aerobic exercise, intermittent

sauna to force sweating, ingestion of cold-pressed oils to help prevent re-absorption, Vitamin and mineral supplements.


10. As reported in the scientific literature, what types of health problems and toxic exposures has the Hubbard program been successfully used to treat?

Reducing levels of foreign compounds stored in fat, and significantly improve neurological function.


Thanks for reading my thoughts as an?Ogden Chiropractor

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